Teachers and Faculty asked to Park in the Senior Lot


Changes are starting at the current high school.  And they’re starting to affect not only student parking as well as faculty and staff.    

Miss. Williams, Mrs. Morris, and Mrs. Colpi are among the staff who have had to move their parking spots from the library turnaround to the new senior lot.

Mrs. Colpi said, “It’s only for one year so I’m fine with it even though it can be inconvenient.” She talked about how she recently was frustrated at this decision because she had to carry things into the school and the long walk downstairs made this much more difficult. However, Colpi did say, “On the bright side I do get more steps which is always good for your health.”

The new drive is much steeper compared to its old counterpart. (PHOTO BY RYAN)

Dr. Renner said teachers who normally park in the lower lot were asked to move up to the senior lot because of the construction crews. The crews need to use a wood chipper to take out the trees located next to the lower turnaround. The teachers moved their cars because the crews feared that the chipper could damage their cars because of how close they are.

Mrs. Williams said she was disappointed when she was first informed about the parking-spot move but said, “The view from the senior lot makes up for it.” The parking lot gives you a great view of Kusel stadium. Williams said, “This allows me to spend more time outside which is great and also pushes me to get more of my steps in.”

Even though Renner wasn’t required to move his parking spot, he followed the teachers up to the senior lot. Renner said, “I wouldn’t ask them to do it if I wasn’t willing to do it myself.  Is it inconvenient? Sure but I’m willing to put up with it.”


The lot has parking on both the right and left sides. (PHOTO BY RYAN)

Mrs. Morris said even though she didn’t like it, she was willing to make the change because she feels that it’s important to be a “team player.”  “As for now I’m fine with it because the weather isn’t too bad but when it starts to get cold during the winter months I don’t think I’ll have the same opinion on the topic,” she said.

Renner followed this by saying that all of the teachers were receptive to the change, and he has heard no complaints. “It’s just one of those things that we’re going to have to put up with for the next two years and we’re fine with that because the school, in the end, is going to be amazing.”