The Dirty 30: 2019 Football Warriors

Nick Jones, Writer


Luke Robinson looks downfield in the Warriors’ victory over Oakwood. Despite the small roster, the team is seeing success. (Photo by Spooner)

For the second straight year, the Mariemont football team got off to a 4-0 start.  This year’s team is a little different than last year. The Warriors lost 10 seniors to college. The team’s 2019 roster consists of only thirty-six players due to a small showing of incoming freshmen.  With just eight new recruits, you would think that the team faced some adversity in the new season.  

The team has dealt with some challenges.  Quarterback and team leader, Andrew Glassmeyer, said that this team “doesn’t have as much talent as other years.”  However, he also stated that this year’s team is the closest it has ever been. The 2019 roster is nicknamed “The Dirty 30” because of their small numbers and grit.

The team is passionate about their skills this year.  Running backs coach Daniel Simons talks about the different coaching approach this year.  “[The coaches] like to try to approach guys like they are joining a brotherhood. They can be a part of something special–the one heartbeat group.”

Simon’s mindset resonates with the players.  According to left tackle Jack Fischer, the whole team feels that they are a part of the one heartbeat family, a family that pushes each other to be the best version of themselves.

“We live by the one heartbeat mentality, meaning there is no individual more important than the other,” said Simons.