Mariemont Prepares for “Extended Closure”
COVID-19 is the official name for this particular strain of Coronavirus (PHOTO FROM
March 15, 2020
COVID-19, also known as the Coronavirus, is a highly contagious respiratory illness that originated in Wuhan, China. As of March 15, according to Johns Hopkins University, there were 3,244 confirmed cases and 62 deaths in the United States. As the virus is declared a pandemic, the nation declared a state of emergency.
On March 12, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine tweeted, “all public, private, and charter schools in Ohio will be closed starting at the end of the day March 16 through April 3.”
The Mariemont High School campus will be closed from March 14 – April 3.
Mariemont City School students will be on a two-week break. We will resume school, online, on Monday March 30.
Mariemont City Schools will update their website with the most current district information (to view Superintendent Estepp’s response click here or look below)
Virus Overview
from the CDC and an interview with an infectious disease physician:
According to Dr. Emily Simpson, an infectious disease physician, it is important to remember that the majority of people who become infected with this virus recover completely. It is important not to panic. Keep in mind that hospitals may become quite busy and overcrowded as the infection spreads. Always call your doctor if you are concerned, particularly if you have a medical condition that puts you at a higher risk.
Recommended action you should take:
- Stay home (only leave if you are going to get medical care)
- Avoid public areas
- Avoid public transportation
- Stay away from others
- Limit contact with pets and animals (If possible have another family member or trusted friend take care of your animals while you are sick)
- Call ahead before visiting your doctor (If you have a medical appointment, you should call head and tell them that you may have or have COVID-19. So they may take steps to prevent others from getting infected or exposed)
- Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze
- Throw used tissues into a lined trash can
- Wash hands frequently (if soap is not available use an alcohol based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol)
- Do not share household items (do not share things like dishes, cups, silverware, towels, or bedding. Also after using these items wash them thoroughly using soap and water)
- Frequently clean and disinfect high touch surfaces or areas that have any type of bodily fluid on it (things like blood or stool)
- When using cleaning products follow instructions on the label for safe and effective use (including any precautions it says to make, like wearing gloves if needed)
Most at risk:
- Older People
- People who has serious chronic medical conditions (e.g. Heart disease, Diabetes, and Lung disease)
Warning signs:
- Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
- Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
- New confusion or inability to arouse
- Bluish lips or face
*Medical officials suggest if you conduct any of these symptoms, treat it as you would with the flu (e.g. rest, hydrate, and self quarantine). If your symptoms worsen or if you are worried, contact your doctor.*
Biggest Concerns:
- Brand new virus equals universal susceptibility: no one has immunity to the disease
- Virus is highly contagious; in previous outbreaks, for example SARS, the disease wasn’t passed from person to person quite as efficiently
- There has been limited access to testing so the virus is more widespread than we are currently aware (for more info about how widespread it might be in Ohio click here)
- Slowing the spread – original aim was keeping it out of the United States but because of the vast spread, the focus has changed to decrease the rate of transmission in the country through social distancing
- Trying to prevent systems in our community, mostly hospitals, from getting overrun with surges of sick people
Student reactions:
When asked how students felt about the school closing they all responded that it is a good idea. Senior Evan Sizer said, “I think it’s smart but I wish it didn’t affect the sports that I’m wanting to play this spring.”
Spring sports are a big question for athletes, coaches, and spectators. Currently, all athletic events and practices will be cancelled until April 3. The premises will be off limits to all whom it may concern.
Senior Ethan Trester said, “This is definitely a smart move to help contain the spread, I feel like it’ll go longer than just three weeks though.” The date that students are expected to return to school is currently April 3, but that date can be altered depending on the severity of the virus and the verdict of the school and government.
Home learning will begin on March 30. Students should look at their usual class source and this webpage to find what they should do and how they should go about it.
Hand washing PSA brought to you by the Mariemont Life Experience Podcast. It was recorded on Thurs., March 12th:
Video message from Superintendent Estepp: