The Strongest Year for Pride Club

Josie Holt


With record turnouts and increased member engagement, Pride+ Club is looking stronger than ever in a very confusing climate. This increase in membership could be due to the Co-president of Pride+, Lily Tetrault, expressed that we’re “trying our best to make sure everyone is included as much as possible and it can be a struggle at times, but I believe we’re doing a good job.” 

This year Pride+ has met every available Friday. They discuss current news concerning the LGBTQ+ community and share stories. Lily says, “Pride+ is stirring towards education, acceptance and community.” She believes that the past few years have neglected this side of the club. Most of the meetings have focused on learning and education on issues related to the LGBTQ+ community, particularly about coming out, allyship, and pronouns. 

There’s also an important election for new Pride+ Club co-presidents. Which has already been decided. Kylie Miller and Lu Gee are next year’s co-presidents. Kylie says she’s “excited, [and] there’s gonna be a lot to come.”

Turnout at meetings has skyrocketed. Even with COVID-19, Lily says “online warriors continue to join and take part in the club.” The increase in participation is a good sign for Pride+, and the leaders hope the trend continues after they are gone. 

Pride+ has grown to be an inclusive and positive club for anyone who supports or is a part of the LGBTQ+ community. If being a part of the community sounds interesting, try to stop by at a meeting, they are every Friday on the outside patio by the art rooms.