Girls Basketball 2020-21 Season Recap
Varsity Basketball Team (Left to Right and Top to Bottom: Coach Spreen, Coach Maples, Erin Wilder, Caroline Soller, Lily McClure, Isabella Drake, Lindsey Frye, Erica Dewey, Ally Frye, Coach Mike, Addison Kaiser, Peyton Shoemaker, Ella Malafa, Coach Franklin, Anazia Robertson, Marley Valentine, and Kendal Spreen)
March 10, 2021
Girls basketball had one of their best seasons on record. The team was Sectional winners, CHL co-champions with Indian Hill, and District runner ups.
The team credits part of their success to the fear of getting shut down by COVID. Sophomore, Adison Kaiser described how each team member played “like it could be your last game because at any moment we could have gotten shut down.” The anticipation encouraged the team to leave it all on the floor.
Ultimately, the mindset played out, and not only did the team do well, but a few individuals placed in the CHL: Kendal Spreen placed fourth (average 9.2 points per game) for offensive leader, and Marley Valentine placed third (average 2.0) for blocks and fourth (average 7.7) for rebounds.