We love the man, we fight the man, and then we eventually become the man—but do we truly understand the man? In this issue of The Warpath we have dedicated our time in pursuit of the back-story of Mariemont School’s teaching staff. Kevin Ferry is the part Latin teacher, part girls lacrosse coach, part encyclopedia under inspection this time around. What part of this Moeller grad’s history makes him tick?
Kevin Ferry has lived in a camper, touring the great historical sites of America. He spent two and a half weeks every year during his childhood with his parents traveling to museums and locations like Vicksburg, Gettysburg, Fredericksburg— any type of “burg,” he’s probably been there. Ferry claims this was one of the most influential times in his life for his future career path. “When I think back now on all that time I spent with mom and dad, it’s really not a wonder that I ended up where I am,” says Ferry.
After graduating from Wright State, Ferry moved to San Francisco in pursuit of a possible new life whilst working for the IRS. It was a hard a decision for him, but he looks back on his time as a “fond memory.” “We were living on lawn chairs and milk crates in the middle of a very rough part of town—but I still look back on that time as the most romantic part of my life,” laughs Ferry. He spent three years in San Francisco doing paperwork and working for the Ritz-Carleton. The Warpath is lucky to be one of the first to find out about the secret reason he finally decided to move away.
“A girl—I followed a girl to Atlanta and it ended up being a bad place for me,” Ferry says, “but, without that time who knows where I would’ve ended up.”

The inevitable return to Cincinnati finally caught up with Mr. Ferry after his short stay in Atlanta. Out all of these various chapters in his life, Ferry claims, it has been within the “first year” of every new experience that has changed him.
Ferry has lived his life like many Cincinnatians haven’t—he tells The Warpath, “I would do it all again in a second.”
KGDB • Nov 22, 2011 at 3:09 pm
Hey, Great reporting “Carl”, top notch, up to snuff work