(Photo by Gabe Deemer)
This year there are two new employees at MHS, Trevor Block and Lisa Block. A new assistant principal and a math teacher. With a goofy coincidence, they have the same last name. Because of this unusual coincidence people assume they are married.
Trevor Block an Indian Hill graduate has had 10 years of teaching experience. Block first started out teaching 8th grade American History in Houston, TX. Block eventually moved to Ohio, becoming an assistant principal at Bishop Fenwick High School (BFHS) for two years. Mr. Block is now the assistant principal for MHS.
“I feel like I’m fitting in, everyone is welcoming and I’m enjoying myself,” said Mr. Block.
Being the new assistant principal at MHS, Block notices the similarities between MHS and BFHS.
“It’s fairly similar, obviously rules are different. But the responsibilities are the same,” said Mr. Block.
Mr. Block brings his own unique style to MHS, a style he says he started in high school. With the exception of Fridays, he wears a bow-tie.
Mr. Block said “I have about 40 I rotate through. I took an interest in bow-ties because I wanted to be different and stand out.”
Mr. Block finds it humorous that he shares the same last name with a fellow worker.
“I’ve heard of it going around, but it’s funny because my wife didn’t take my last name.” said Mr. Block.
Lisa Block is a new math teacher at MHS. Block previously taught at the Cincinnati Country Day School and Indian Hill. She has four years of work experience and able to teach multiple types of math such as pre-calc, calc, trig, and geometry.
“My favorite math to teach would probably be calculus,” said Ms. Block
Ms. Block is enjoying the student interaction at MHS, compared to her private school.
“At my private school it (relationship with students) was more peer based, at Mariemont it’s more of a relationship,” said Ms. Block.
Ms. Block thinks it’s humorous that she and Trevor have the same last name.
Ms. Block said, “One of my classes thought we were married.”