Muckraker Articles by Mr.Hanley’s Class
Mr. Hanley’s 2nd bell CPUSH (united states history) class holding their Muckraker articles (PHOTO BY MIKE HANLEY)
November 22, 2019
Last month, students in Mr Hanleys junior US History class wrote investigative journal articles about modern global issues. These articles Mirrored the early 1900 “muckraker” journalists who unearthed societal issues like immigrant living conditions and unsanitary factory standards. Students Abbie Lyons, Jonah Mikesell, Ellie Trubisky, Cali Curro, Nick Kohlman & Catsy Steele were chosen from amongst 75 students based on their research and originality.
America is Eating Itself to Death
By Jonah Mikesell
Lyons Letters
By Abbie Lyons
Tech News
By Nick Kholman
The Daily Newsletter
By Catsy Steele
Curro Times
By Cali Curro